Last night the moon was very beautiful. I had wanted to post this last night, but somehow I did this, and I did that, and time slipped by my fingers again. Last night we stayed over at my parents' place. So that hubby need not travel the length and breadth of the country again. It's getting rather tiring, and I have a bad throat. Last night I came home to iron the clothes, an hour into it and I had to call it a day. Last night I watched my animes again and again, and fell in love with all my animes again.
Last night the moon was really very beautiful. I thought I saw it had a crooked little nose too. The moon that is.
I've lost a friend. Irrevocably. This is the first CNY where I sent out my messages and never got a reply. I guess it really can't be help, but I really felt sad. And I've probably been blocked off at frienster too. It's really sad.
CNY this year was pretty hectic. The first day was spent at my in-laws place then at my auntie's place. In-laws' place was very quiet. The happening brother-in-law plus wife plus two kids were missing, and the place was definitely quieter. The rest of us weren't exactly social butterflies. They played cards as usual after the usual lunch, and I got an excuse to stay upstairs in the only air-con room with baby since he fell asleep after lunch. Oh yes, I switched on the air-con to super cold plus fan full blast. I probably wouldn't be able to do that if not for baby. Yeah. That's the way to enjoy! And I sat down, switched on my laptop and found to my utmost horror that the program couldn't run avi files. Xena heard me scream bloody murder all the way to her place. Heh heh. I complained to just about anyone who was free to listen to me. Arrrgh.
Oh, and lunch ... was a disaster. Remind me never to buy sashimi again. I bought >$20 worth of salmon belly sashimi for the yusheng, but hubby and I forgot to bring it along on the eve to go with the yusheng. So we had it the next day, which was the CNY lunch. Dear MIL plonked the whole stub of wasabi into a bowl, poured the packets of soy-sauce into it, and proceeded to stuff all my expensive salmon into that bowl. Then she picked up her chopsticks and vigourously mix and stirred and poked EVERYTHING in the bowl!!! Arrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh! All of us kept our faces as bland as possible. I think I heard my brother-in-law made a choking noise. Hubby protested a little, but MIL seemed to be in a nasty mood, and she was attacking the poor salmon like they'd done her wrong. We still ate the fish, I definitely did, hey, I was really looking forward to enjoying the salmon belly you know. I've never buy them before for myself. The wasabi was a little too much, but it was still ... edible. Until. . .
MIL came up with this brillant idea to add the sweet plum sauce from an extra packet of yusheng into said bowl. This time brother-in-law protested, saying (very gently) to take it easy. Then hubby had to go out of the kitchen for a while. Bro-in-law stood up to look for some tissue. One was out, the other had his back turned, MIL quickly and quietly poured all that sweet plum sauce into the bowl. My eyes popped out. She happily mixed the sauce and the fish. The boys came back, sat down, saw what was in the bowl, and kept very quiet. No one said a thing. I observed. She finally took one slice of the fish to eat. Her face made a face. I observed. No one else took anymore fish. Neither did she.
So question is, do you think she'd throw the rest of the fish away? Or do you think she'll actually cook them?
BTW, wasabi do not kill/ or disinfect germs. Some Japanese eat raw fish without wasabi. The idea is you drink sake after that.
I rolled my eyes. Tell me how not to be miserable. Tell me why I put my foot down and not want to live with her. Tell me what I am to do next time?
I know not to laugh or cry.
A few days before CNY, father-in-law had an accident, whereby after the incident, he put it very cheerfully to my sister-in-law, that it could have been fatal. Yeah, what a nice way to reassure people. So much for thinking that they are still spring chickens. One would have thought once bitten, twice shy ... but nooo. Misery as misery does. In the end, they spent more money being hospitalised, plus being tramatised plus almost being blinded and losing one's life. I spent that day running errands and driving them around. To get a CT scan, then to their home, then car inspection, then to their home, then clinic, then to their home, then clinic, then hospital, then to their home, then convinced MIL to stay with us overnight. So that she can take care of baby. I'm not that nice. Hubby is the one who will be stressed the next day having to send baby to my parent's place.
So the next day I went to school, and just four hours away and I came home to an extremely messy home. There were lots of food particles on the floor. The carpet was full of crumbs. The ants were already scrambling to harvest the food on the floor. The kichen was in a mess. The dining table was dirty. Arrrrrggggh. Four hours. I immediately got onto my hands and knees and mopped the floor. In my work clothes. Then I wiped everything, washed up, vacumn the carpet and bathed baby, then I sent MIL home. Whew.
Our personalities definitely clash. We'll drive each other crazy yeah?
On a side note: nowadays I never let baby wear nice clothes when he goes over to MIL's place. His nice shirts all come back stained and dirty and I just can't get the stains out. They're usually food stains. I put him in the oldest and dirtiest clothes ever. And probably hand-me-down from ... his father and uncles. hahaha. It makes her happy, I guess, to see baby wearing those clothes.
Dinner at my aunt's place on new year was wonderful. Dinner at mom's place on the eve was wonderful. It is times like that that I still retain my sanity. We played some mahjong, and even hubby got into the groove. He's pretty good at it now. :)
The rest of the holidays was work, work and work. It wasn't too bad, I spent my free time catching up on my animes. D Gray Man, Death note, Bleach etc. Yep, it was pretty nice, except that we had less time to spent with baby and the house was still pretty messy.
And it still is. I'm so hooked on Ghost Hunt nowadays that I really don't feel like doing anything else. :P
I guess things could have been better. Sometimes. But I guess things are pretty good already.
I guess everything will be heaven if the next episode of GH will come out fast, and if I could get my hands on the novels. :P
Happy Lunar New Year.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Last night ... last week ...
Posted by
2/23/2007 07:38:00 pm
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