My sense of time has been completely screwed up. The last couple of weeks of late nights have finally led me to this wide-eyed state. And I didn't even drink coffee. We had been staying up late catching movies and doing work. Some were pretty good. The movies that is. My dear boy caught his first horror show too. We watched Monster House. It was pretty cute. Not really frightening, but must be pretty frightening for him. He held onto us pretty tightly. There was Battle of Britian and Because I said so. Both were quite good and really enjoyable. Battle of Britian seemed so familiar. I think I might have played the game when I was a kid. All those bombers and fighters and spitfires and those views seen from the airplane ... so nostalgic. Maybe I watched my brother played when we were kids. On the computer that is. I doubt I've watched the movie before, or haven't I?
Seems that baby will not have a fever tonight anymore. But the true test would be at about 1am, 6 hours since the last dose of medicine. I hope he won't cough so much too. Poor dear, it's so painful to see him so sick. Kids are so fragile. I really hope his fever doesn't come back up. It's so difficult to give him his medicine that for the past two nights, he slept without taking medicine and yes, with a fever. Hubby said it's okay. I guess we'll leave it to the expert. I'm so tempted to be paranoid.
We are looking for people again. It's so hard to find good help. Maybe the pay is too low? I think this time we would seriously consider finding foreign help. Perhaps it's for the best eh? I wonder where all the employable people have disappeared to? Probably pay is too low for them. But rent is too steep for us. You really wonder what you're doing at the end of the day!
My little painting fell off the wall again. This time it left a little crack on the study table. This little painting isn't really little actually. Once upon a time a long time ago, Wen was shopping for her funiture and stuffs and we went into this woody place in Balestia and I bought two wooden frames with tiled paintings in them. Well, I hung both of them up above my study table, using the famous 3M stuffs, one above the other, and strangly enough, the bottom painting never drop off. Only the top one. The third time it happened, I switched both paintings, and guess what, the top one dropped again!
Dear hubby rolled his eyes all the way to the back of his head. I told him that as the painting on top is higher than the one below, the top painting will have a greater gravitational potential energy, therefore it exerts a greater force and thus is more prone to falling.
Hubby told me: Murphy's law. Murphy's law. When you least expect it to fall, it will fall. I think that's what he said. Gotta check with him again, except that he is sleeping right now.
What do you think actually happened?
Hey, I even changed the 3M tape each time! A new one okay!
Now only one painting sits on the wall. My table has a little crack. *mutter*
Hubby rolled his eyes again as I taped the 3M tape on a shelf on the wall. heh heh heh. Perhaps I'll take a picture the next time I tidy up this place.
In other news, hubby tried his hands at repairing the air-con, and inadvertably killed it. And he did not even turn off the mains when he was doing the work! How not angry can I be? Grr. Not only did he spoil the air-con, he put himself in bloody danger. Duh. I thought he was only going to put it back, but while I was cooking, he went and did so many things to it. Now it's dead. RIP.
See, blogging always make me sleepy. :) Yep, time to sleep. We are now camping in the study room cos cannot live without air-con!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Another sleepless night
Posted by
9/27/2007 12:21:00 am
Monday, September 17, 2007
Blah blah blah
So what am I doing? Still up so late? Last minute work as usual, but my mind is already too saturated, and I'm taking a break, write a post and going to sleep. Datelines be damned. Actually I should try to be more productive as this is the only time I can get to do so much, and the many cups of tea really kept me awake. But my mind is really not working anymore. Can't be help eh?
I got a few things to blog about, but baby just took this time to whimper. SIGH.
I guess that's it.
Posted by
9/17/2007 01:32:00 am
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Destination - Banyan Tree
The whole place is beautiful, especially when you have a whole villa with a private pool and an outdoor jacuzzi.
The view is absolutely fabulous, the company is great, and the food is pretty good. Sort of. Unfortunately we didn't have time to get out and sample the kelong seafood. Sis-in-law said that they have changed the chef so the food is much better. I can't imagine how horrible it must be previously. So much of a super-high class resort, if the food isn't too good, it just isn't that good.
When we got there, all of us got down to the beach to get dirty. Well, sandy. The kids ran around and tried to make sandcastle but the sand was too wet to stick. I brought baby down and tried to get him onto the sand. He didn't like the sand very much. When he got sand on his feet, he said, 'Mummy, feet got something!!!' Here is me trying to put him down onto the beach, there he is gripping very tightly onto me with his hands and feet. No way is my little boy going to have sand on him. How fastidious can he be?
On the second day, we sneak out to have a nice massage. Hmm ... I think I must have become extremely spoilt. Thought the massage was only so so. Ex too. After that, we went to play in the mud. Not too sure what the vehicle was called, you know those four wheeler buggy or something where you drive through some muddy trek. Hubby said, 'Think of them as horses with wheels.' And in the middle of the forest trek, it rained big cats and dogs and we were soaked to the skin. I've never felt so cold in my entire life or so wet! Not to mention, the manaic hubby was driving at full speed through puddles of water, thus splashing mud and water onto me. At least the muddy water was warm compared to the rainwater!
We had to turn back when the vehicles started to have engine trouble. There were five vehicles all together. And we also had a entrouge of engineers on bikes with us to lead the way as well as to start our engines when we stalled. Which was pretty often when it started raining. On the way back to the starting point, the kids stopped and with their mother, they all ran into the sea. To wash off the mud. What the hell. Hubby and I threw down our helmuts and joined them as well. They were screaming at us 'The sea is warm!' Anything was better than being cold and shivering to the skin eh? And we were all in T-shirts and shorts. Only my sister-in-law was smart enough to have her swimming-wear under her clothes. Duh.
So we rode up and down the beach for a while, in the rain, which had become a drizzle, and when we finally reached the starting point, the sun came out and smiled at us. Duh duh duh. What a mean weather! One of the kids exclaimed. Indeed. So the nine of us came back dripping wet and mud. It was fortunate we didn't bring our boy along. I can imagine him turning up his nose at all the mud and water! He didn't want to hug me when he saw me dripping wet! Tsk tsk.
It was too soon when we had to go back. There was water-skiing and more stuffs which the boys arrange. They sure know how to play. It's pretty fun when there are lots of people I guess. If it's just us, we probably wouldn't do all these things. My poor baby. When he grows up would he still have his cousins to play with? They'd be all big and maybe boring. :PI guess baby enjoyed himself in his own way. Here he is, playing hide-and-seek and catch and eating fries. :)
Posted by
9/05/2007 08:06:00 am