Monday, November 20, 2006

A meal for one

So I was inspired by Obachan, and I finally made my own chicken and mushroom claypot gohan(rice).

I used short grained rice from US, not from Japan, unfortunately, for the rice from Japan costs a bomb. Me cannot afford. :P I added a dash of dashi stock, a little bit of soy-sauce, a little bit of dark soy-sauce, a little bit of mirin, and a little bit of salt. Used carrots, chicken and shitake mushrooms. Towards, the end, I turned up the heat and burnt the rice a bit so as to get that nice burnt flavour. Yummie! And baby was pretty cooperative and let me finsihed cooking before he woke up. *beamz*

Some improvements I'll make: must marinate chicken first before cooking! And perhaps a little bit of garlic too. And there I was, worried that how I was going to cook rice for one, this lunch actually turned out great!


I brought baby to visit an ex-classmate, and he had a wonderful time playing with her two kids and their toys. When baby came back, he was so tired, he slept like a pig. Heh. Shall do that more often! The last time I gave baby some flu medication and he slept like a pig too, and woke up quite stoned. Think I won't give him anymore. Not very nice to see him looking so glazed all day. He was a real good kid today, not too troublesome to take care of, wonder why my mom always find him such a chore. She spoils him too much, I'd say!

Baby dearest isn't always a good kid though. Here's a picture of him demolishing my bookcase. Damn, must put a cloth over my shelves! I taught him to put the books back, and sometimes when I'm lucky, he'll put the books back after pulling them down.

And here's a picture of baby dearest sitting cross-legged on the coffee table drinking his ribena. Or well, trying to drink. He prefers the mummy to hold the bottle for him. And don't talk about bottles, when I give him the pacifier, he prefers me to hold the pacifier for him too! *rolls eyes*

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