The sushi in today's Japan Hour looked absolutely heavenly. I was practically drooling away. Even after a huge breakfast. You just can't get such fresh seafood here. Oh ... sumptous sushi. *sigh*
Breakfast was more than I normally take. Too huge in fact, I couldn't really finish. We had tomatos, sausages, half-boiled eggs, bread and milo-milk. I only had one slice of bread with kaya and cheese and I couldn't finish that. I wonder how hubby can eat two slices everyday!
But nothing beats the fresh sushi. *drool*
It was a beautiful morning when I woke up. But dark clouds quickly gather over the horizon. I could see the city skyline at my balcony. As I watched, the sky precipitatedly turned omnimously dark. A flash of lightning ran down to Earth. It must be raining heavily in the city. In fifteen minutes time, while I prepared breakfast and did the laundry, the clouds moved with top speed and poured its woe on us. The unfortunate thing about this place is that rain gets in everytime, and all windows have to be closed. It's rather stuffy.
So it's still raining. I hope it dries up soon so that I can go for yoga. I hate going out in the rain.
*keeps fingers crossed*
Although it's really a nice morning to simply laze in bed and snooze. :P
In fact, I think I shall just do that.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Flying fish
Posted by
5/08/2005 09:22:00 am
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